Dutch Rabbits

The Dutch rabbit is deservedly one of the most popular pet breeds with its calm, easy-going nature, robust build and manageable size. They have a very gentle disposition and are excellent with children, most will happily submit to lots of cuddles. Dutch rabbits are friendly and intelligent and will thrive on attention.


Today Dutch remain one of the top 10 most popular rabbit breeds in the world. They are popular both as pets and show animals – not to mention as stars of rabbit product advertisements. The Dutch is one of the very best breeds for a child to start with due to its small size, general hardiness, and gentle disposition.


The Dutch is one of the easiest breeds to identify. It’s hard to say whether it appears to be a colored rabbit with white markings, or a white rabbit with colored markings, but either way, you can’t miss that wedge-shaped blaze on the nose and the two-toned body color.


Despite its popularity, the Dutch rabbit has not changed much over the years. The most striking aspect of the breed is the marking pattern.


The blaze is the wedge of white running up the rabbit's face. The saddle is the white “Jacket” that separates the color, from the white, on the rabbits back.




(Picture above is complements to  http://www.verlannahill.com/AboutDutch.htm)



Quote from Naomi Millburn a freelance writer:


“With their docile, laid –back and serene dispositions, Dutch rabbits are beloved as household pets. A good pet choice for kids 10 years of age and up, always keep a close watch on any interactions shared between younger children and Dutch rabbits, just to be cautious. Training Dutch rabbits usually is no biggie as they tend to be rather smart cookies. They thrive on regular interplay with humans, and are usually rather active and peppy in nature. Note that they often tend to become more and more biddable with the more contact they receive from people.”



(Naomi Millburn has been a freelance writer since 2011. Her areas of writing expertise include arts and crafts, literature, linguistics, traveling, fashion and European and East Asian cultures. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in American literature from Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo.)



Facts about Dutch rabbits!


Colors in Dutch include: Grey, Steel, Tortoise (Tort, which can include lilac tort, and blue tort), Black, Blue, Chocolate, Yellow, and Chinchilla.


Average size: 3-5 1/2 pounds


The gestation period for a Dutch rabbit is usually between 28-32 days.


Average size of litter is around 6 kits.


Kits are born blind and eyes will open anywhere between 7-14 days.


Dutch rabbits are one of the oldest breeds of domestic rabbit!


It is said that the Dutch Rabbit originated from Holland.